Public Comments
ODOT is developing the Ohio Maritime Plan to inform policy and investment decisions relating to the maritime transportation system. Click
Here for more info.
US60/KY180 Corridor Study Survey – We Need Your Help!
Boyd County Fiscal Court is studying traffic and safety improvements along the US 60/KY 180 corridor south of Ashland. As part of the study, we want to hear from you. What changes are most important? Visit the study website at to learn more and complete a quick SURVEY.
KY-168 Planning Study – Public Comment Request
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is conducting a planning study along KY 168 Avenue/Wheatly Road between US-60 in Ashland and Hoods Creek Pike in Westwood – about 1.7. The link will provide the project overview (analysis of the existing conditions and proposed future traffic to identify options for improving mobility and safety for all users along the KY-168 corridor) as well as an opportunity for you to provide feedback. For more info
Click Here
Did you miss the 2024 Rail Plan Public Open House? Take the survey instead at The survey will help gather information within the existing rail service areas and provide additional insights for potential future of rail within the state of Kentucky.
Public Announcements
Cabell-Wayne Transportation Land Use Study Pre-Scope Call CANCELLED
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RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Cabell/Wayne County Transportation Land Use Study
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RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Travel Demand Model Update
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RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Congestion Management Process (CMP) Update
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RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Regional Freight Plan Development
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KYOVA Pre-Scope Call for Upcoming Projects (CMP, TDM, Freight Plan)
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Ohio River Bridge Crossing Study
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