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Curious about a project in your region? KYOVA’s E-TIP provides surface transportation project information for the KYOVA Planning Area. Project location, cost, funding source, map, etc., are a few areas that are available for viewing. Click the above Icon to access the database to search for projects.

Disclaimer: Please use the E-TIP for informational purposes only as project status is constantly changing, and the database may not reflect the most current data. If you have any questions, please contact the KYOVA staff at 304-523-7434.

Find out more about the Ohio River Bridge Crossing Study here

KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Tri-State area of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. As the MPO, KYOVA serves as a transportation planning agency and forum for regional transportation decisions. Its mission is to plan for an orderly, cost-effective, multi-modal transportation system for all citizens of the service area. With the support of local officials, the Commission plans for sound transportation improvements, which facilitate the movement of goods and people in a safe and efficient manner. The Commission's goal is to promote cooperation among members to reach consensus on matters affecting all modes of transportation. KYOVA is responsible for the annual dissemination of millions of dollars in federal transportation funds to conduct transportation-related studies and implement transportation projects. KYOVA oversees transportation planning for the West Virginia counties of Cabell and Wayne; Kentucky counties of Boyd and Greenup; and urbanized area of Lawrence County, Ohio.

Upcoming Events

KYOVA Technical Advisory Committee

• Meeting time: 10:00 a.m. to noon
• Location: KYOVA Conference Room and via Zoom**
KYOVA Policy Committee

• Meeting time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
• Location: KYOVA Conference Room and via Zoom**
February 25, 2025February 28, 2025
April 29, 2025May 2, 2025
July 22, 2025(If Needed)July 25, 2025(If Needed)
September 16, 2025September 19, 2025
December 9, 2025December 12, 2025

Public Comments & Announcements

2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment #7 Public Involvement Notice [Click Here]

Cabell-Wayne Transportation Land Use Study Pre-Scope Call CANCELLED [More Info]

RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Cabell/Wayne County Transportation Land Use Study[More Info]

RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Travel Demand Model Update [More Info]

RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Congestion Management Process (CMP) Update [More Info]

RFQ KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission Regional Freight Plan Development [More Info]

ODOT is developing the Ohio Maritime Plan to inform policy and investment decisions relating to the maritime transportation system. Click Here for more info.