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Welcome to the Ironton Traffic Flow Study Web Site
KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission and the City of Ironton in cooperation with Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) are conducting a Comprehensive Traffic Study, which will accurately depict the flow of traffic within the City of Ironton. This study will be comprehensive and will evaluate two-way and one-way traffic, the signalized intersections and all unsignalized intersections. Parking issues will be addressed on all streets. The last major signal improvement update was completed in early 1985. The existing timing plans, for the City of Ironton were developed in the early 1980's utilizing data from the mid 1970's. The outcome of this Design Study will be used as recommendations for construction and will be implemented in FY 2010 utilizing funds from the CMAQ KYOVA Sub-allocation. All project datasets, graphics, and deliverables of this study will be available at this site.
This design study will evaluate the City’s traffic signal timing program that was developed in the mid-eighties, with some changes that have been done on some of the cities major arterial roadways.
A project technical steering committee will be formed to meet throughout this study to provide guidance and comments on the study. This committee will consist of technical staff from KYOVA, ODOT District 9, ODOT Central, the City of Ironton and Lawrence County.
The study is divided into four phases:
PHASE I - Inventory of Existing Signal Equipment
PHASE II -Traffic Flow Assessment
PHASE III - Evaluation of Existing System & Future Implementation
PHASE IV - Signal System Analysis
Issues in Ironton to be addressed by this study:
Signal system based on outdated traffic
Signal hardware outdated
Need to plan for future connections
Traffic flow non-signalized intersections
Reduction in emissions
Access to Schools
Truck routes
Study Area Map Click here
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Please visit this site again. Additional contents will be posted/updated as the study progresses and information becomes available.
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